77th Annual Meeting of the
APS Division of Fluid Dynamics
APS DFD Welcomes You!
The DFD Annual Meeting is one of the largest conferences in fluid dynamics, with more than 3,500 attendees expected from around the world. The objective is to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in all areas of fluid dynamics. Students, postdoctoral researchers, university faculty, and researchers across government and industry are encouraged to share the latest developments in the field.
* Members of APS Reciprocal Societies may register at the Regular APS member rate only. You can complete registration online. Reciprocal Society Students must contact registrar@aps.org for special instructions on how to register.
** Student Registrants: APS student members may register for the meeting online at a discounted member rate. If you are not an APS member, you can JOIN NOW online. If you do not wish to become an APS member, you must pay non-member rates. First-year membership is free for first-time students.
**+ Undergraduate Student Registrants: Your registration does not include a ticket to the Sunday night reception, however a reception ticket(s) may be purchased during the registration process.
Meeting Website: https://dfd-meeting.aps.org/
Important Dates
- Early Registration Deadline: 9/24/2024 Midnight EST
- Onsite Registration Pricing begins on 10/29/2024
Cancellation Policy
All registration cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing by November 15, 2024. A refund of the full conference fee, minus a $50 administrative fee, will be given for cancellations received by November 15, 2024. No refunds will be granted for requests submitted on or after November 16, 2024. Submit all requests to the APS registrar at registrar@aps.org and abs-help@aps.org if you are speaking or presenting. APS regrets that refunds will not be given for no-shows.